

SQuare HR was founded in the year 2017, with a vision to prepare professionals and aspirants for jobs and responsibilities in the HR world. By enhancing their skills to unleash their potential, the mentors have trained many students in Human Resource training and helped them achieve their desired jobs.

Project Brief

The SquareHR website is built on wordpress and hosted on google app engine, which means the hosting capacities can be scaled up and down based on the traffic on the website. This makes the website exceptionally fast to load, and with powerful security features, which lock the primary file system from being accessed by any hacker, malicious code or any broken plugin. Built with a keen focus towards creating e-courses and one-on-one video classes with the mentors. The website therefore houses online course packages, course bookings, online course payments as well as user accounts. Integrated email system means that the organisation can set up and generate automated emails for new students and interested visitors from the website dashboard.

Current Status : Live

home page banner

home page feature section

features courses on home page

about page

course detail page

feature details on course page

curriculum details on course page

product booking page

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